Discipline determines Destiny

Did you stay disciplined to what you said you were going to do today?

Or did you waste the day?

Discipline isn't a chore, it's the type of order that sets you free. 

During your journey to become a more disciplined person, you’ll face obstacles and moments when all you want to do is quit, give up, and just go with the flow. But, if you maintain your discipline and commitment to manage and improve things, nothing can really keep you down. 

As a result, you will become more strong, committed and focused. 

The reward for a more disciplined and focused life will be achieving your dreams and becoming more fulfilled with the things that you accomplish. You'll lead a life you love with no regrets or additional stress. 

Want to know the best steps to develop the discipline necessary to succeed in life? Well, here you go. 

Check out these 7 tips to gaining more self-discipline. 

Whether you're focusing on your diet, fitness, work ethic or relationships, self discipline is the number one trait needed to accomplish goals, lead a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately, be happy​. 

1. Remove Temptations 

Self control is often easiest when things are “out of sight, out of mind.” Removing all temptations and distractions from your environment is a crucial first step when working to improve your self discipline. 

If you are trying to have better control of your eating, stop buying junk and fried food. If you want to improve your focus while working, turn off your cell phone and remove the clutter from your desk.​

2. Practice healthy eating 

Studies have shown that low blood sugar often weakens a person’s judgment. When you’re hungry, your ability to concentrate goes out the window as your brain is not functioning to its highest potential. 

Hunger makes it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand, not to mention turning you into "Negative Nancy." Plus, I can't focus on anything when I'm hungry or have the 'itis' so yea... 

3. Stop waiting for things to "feel right" 

Improving your self discipline means changing up your normal routine​, which may feel weird and get you out of your comfort zone. When a behavior becomes habit, we stop using our decision-making skills and instead function on auto-pilot. Therefore, breaking a bad habit and building a new habit not only requires us to make active decisions, it will feel wrong. Your brain will resist the change in favor of what it has been programmed to do. 

The solution? Embrace the wrong. Acknowledge that it will take a while for your new actions to feel right or good or natural. Keep making progress. It will happen.​

4. Schedule breaks and rewards for yourself 

Self discipline does not mean your new regimen needs to be entirely cold turkey, hard core, or drill sergeant-like in execution. In fact, giving yourself zero wiggle room often results in failures, disappointments, and giving into your old ways. While practicing self control, schedule specific breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself.​

I normally plan out the upcoming week on Sundays, so I make it a priority to choose a reward for myself if I accomplish my goals for the week. Also, I am a huge "time blocker" as well so I schedule in at least 2-3 breaks a day with an hour lunch break in my Superwoman Saver Planner. 

Self-discipline can be hard. Reward yourself. 

5. Forgive yourself and move forward 

Instituting a new way of thinking won’t always go according to plan. You will have ups and downs, fabulous successes, and flat out failures. The key is to keep moving forward. When you have a setback, acknowledge what caused it and move on. 

It is easy to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, but these emotions will not help build improve self discipline. Instead, use the challenges in your plan as learning experiences for the future.​

6. Take responsibility for your actions 

If you want to achieve your goals, you need to stop complaining and start taking action and responsibility for your actions. You’ll end up learning about your shortcomings which gives you the opportunity to correct them and improve your overall habits, skills set, and mindset. That way you'll start living the life you've always dreamed of. 

7.  Align with your goals

Find goals you are passionate about and motives that give you strength to get through the hard times. With a strong will, your actions aligned to realistic goals, and self-discipline, you will overcome and achieve all your dreams.​

Discipline in this season looks like setting boundaries and sticking to them, saying "no" and meaning it, doing things to the best of your ability even when you don't "feel like it." Want to know why? Because you are striving to achieve the bigger picture and greater rewards within the life that you've always imagined. 

With discipline, people will have faith in you, and want to interact, work and learn from you. In that way, you will create more opportunities for yourself and own your space in this world.​

Remember, the only way we move forward is if we keep the promises we make to ourselves.

Stay cute and committed! 

Ready to become more discipline and manage your time better to increase your productivity?

Click here to check out our Superwoman Saver Time Blocking Planner that will allow you to become more productive, organized and make the most of your time, which will help to reduce your stress levels. Key sections include daily time blocking sheet (5am-10pm), kid’s schedule, moments for “me time,” daily rewards, water tracker and much more.

Tahauya Jackson

Tahauya Jackson, MBA, is the Strong Friend’s Mindset Coach. She teaches strong women how to save themselves by dropping the cape to escape burnout, so they can begin living the life they desire – unapologetically. Tahauya is also the Founder and Pioneer of the Hey Girl, Heal movement where she strives to humanize healing and promote success in women worldwide, while decreasing the mental health stigma. As a Transformational Speaker, she is devoted to sharing her story with the world so women and girls can find truth in theirs. As a Mompreneur and millennial influencer, Tahauya offers coaching and training to educate moms on the necessary personal growth strategies and tools to succeed in life, family and business.


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Make Healing a Habit