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Imagine the Healed, Whole & Happy Version of you! Use our journal to become HER.

 It's time for you to look as fine on the inside as you do on the outside...

The Hey Girl, Heal journal is a 90-day self-development journal that will help you turn your pain into power and heal your heart by providing the daily resources for you to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

This all-in-one journal allows you to get real with yourself, pull back the layers and tear down the walls that life forced you to build.

The Hey Girl, Heal journal is filled with personal growth and healing exercises, a 365 day mood tracker, 90 days of journal prompts for both the morning and evening, and so much more!

Please Note: The Hey Girl, Heal journal is NOT a substitute for therapy or counseling.

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Keep helping us heal. I got your back. WE ALL WE GOT SIS!

Actress, Taraji P. Henson (Hey Girl, Heal Supporter)

How can the journal help you?



  • The content of this journal has been approved by therapists and can be used in combination with routine therapy sessions. Please note: This journal is not a substitute for counseling or therapy.

Personal Development

  • By taking the necessary to journal daily, you will position yourself to not only heal, but grow in the following areas: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.


  • This resource was made for you. Use the journal to create your own healing process as you answer thought-provoking questions, track your mood and create a plan to leave the old you behind.

Private Community

  • Upon purchase of the Hey Girl, Heal Journal, you will receive access to membership within a community of other women who are on a mission to heal in this season.

 The Journal: How it works



Find The Root

Learn your triggers and why you think, feel and react the way that you do.


Heal The Wound

Let's work together to treat the scars, not just put a band-aid on them.


Thrive in Life

You've existed long enough, it's time to live the happy and whole life you desire.

 So, what’s inside the journal?

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Interactive Healing Exercises

The healing exercises included (Self-Reflection section, Forgiveness letter, etc) allow you to get real with yourself, pull back the layers and tear down any walls that life has forced you to build.

Daily Mood Tracker

Easy to use tracker that sorts your emotions by color while offering you the space to track your mood for 365 days (yes, the entire year).

Day & Night Journal Prompts

We provide you with the thought-provoking questions, prayer section, and daily prompts to grow your faith and navigate your healing, while developing self.

Quarterly Goal Setting

This journal has an entire section for goal setting where. you can set BIG goals and create a detailed action plan to execute upon them without fear getting in the way.

 Why do I need this today?

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You Deserve It

You deserve to be BETTER than you were before the pain stole your power and the hurt broke your heart. You deserve to smile again, love again, have fun again and laugh again.

It's time to get your life back. You deserve it and more! The healed version of you is waiting. Choose her over everything!

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It's Time To Let Go

The things that you don't heal from will spill over into your relationships, career, business, children and every aspect of your life. Let's prevent that now by healing from what hurt you.

It's impossible to go higher if you have old baggage weighing you down. Forgiveness sets you free. A part of healing is forgiving the people that you never got an apology from.

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Upon purchase of the HEY GIRL, HEAL journal, you will receive access to membership within a community of other women who are on a mission to heal in this season.

There is power in being connected with other like-minded women who can relate to where you've come from and will cheer you on long after you reach your new destination.


The purpose of Hey Girl, Heal

Hey Girl, Heal was created by Tahauya in 2018 as a safe space for women to heal, be vulnerable and become the best version of themselves. After growing up in a single parent home, battling grief and depression that led to suicidal thoughts, looking for love in all the wrong places through sexual promiscuity and countless failed relationships - Tahauya decided to no longer be a puppet to her pain. Tahauya embarked on her own healing journey after reading the book “Wholeness” by Pastor Toure Roberts before breaking off her engagement only 5 months before walking down the aisle.

Healing led to true freedom, discovering her purpose, starting a successful business and finally walking into the path that God had for her — unapologetically. Tahauya’s vision for women around the world is to make healing a habit as they begin to turn their pain into power and live out their wildest dreams.

Hey Girl, Heal Signature Tee

Hey Girl, Heal Signature Tee

Hey Girl, Heal Journal

Hey Girl, Heal Journal

I Didn’t Change Tee

I Didn’t Change Tee

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Join our FREE Hey Girl, Heal Safe Space!

Ready to create your own journal or planner, but don’t know where to start? We have a course just for you!

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Join the Hey Girl, Heal community.