Hey Superwoman!

Ready to push past fear and put yourself first so that you can finally speak up, stand up and show up unapologetically?


Retire from the Superwoman role in only 8 weeks without sacrificing yourself or your dreams to save others.

 Wearing that ‘S’ on your chest may be cute, but it’s costing you.

You’ve been trying to break this habit, but

  • The daily demand to show up for everyone no matter how you feel has become a habit

  • By the time you’re ready to do something for yourself, you’re drained

  • You’ve tried many times to put yourself, but you always end up feeling guilty about it

  • You’ve even tried to start enforcing boundaries and saying “NO”

    ….but fear of how people would respond to you putting your foot down keeps you settling AND stuck.

    Society has pressured you to jump through hoops to meet the unrealistic expectations of being the
    “PERFECT WOMAN” who has it all together and “does it all” in every area of life.

Sis, I see you.

At this point, you’re feeling
overwhelmed, overworked, and overextended - wondering how much longer you can survive carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

You’re second guessing everything that the women in your family taught you about being strong, resilient and nurturing because this lifestyle that you’ve been living just ain’t it!

It’s time to get out of the sunken place that being Superwoman has forced you in.


You grew up surrounded by STRONG women who “did it all” and never complained...

...so now you feel that being Superwoman is the normal duties of a woman.

I’m pretty sure you’ve already tried…

  • Listening to Pastor Sarah Jakes-Roberts sermons on repeat

  • Buying a new planner every year that you use for 2 months max

  • Asking others for help, but ended up complaining about it later

  • Using wine, Netflix and social media to take your mind off the fact that you’re burnout and living a life that you barely like

  • Constantly staying busy and over-performing to feel needed and valued

    But you still haven’t figured out how to put YOU first after dedicating your life to save others.

Ain’t nothing SUPER about being Superwoman.

After 4 years of teaching women how to shift their minds from being Superwoman to becoming their own SHEro…

I’ve noticed there are 4 common myths most high-achieving, professional women are making that’s holding them back.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You are obligated to show up for others because they need you, even if it means neglecting yourself

  • You are worthy because of your accomplishments and as long as you’re succeeding - life will be great!

  • You were taught to be Superwoman and you’ll never be able to unlearn these habits

  • It’s your duty to please everyone to keep the peace and make others happy

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 It’s time to face The Facts…

We both know that you’re here because you’re tired of being everyone’s “go-to” person, your family’s favorite, or the “strong woman” who always gets things done (with a smile).

  • You’re trying your best to “do it all” because that’s what you saw the women in your family do with a smile when you were growing up.

  • You’re ready to achieve your own goals, but you’re so busy showing up for everyone else that you have no time for you.

  • You know that you need to say ‘no,’ but you value the opinions of others and are afraid to let anyone down.

  • You’re trying so hard to be perfect to maintain your image while making sure the world sees that you “have it all together.”

  • You’ve achieved great success, but you’re still experiencing a void that those degrees and certificates can’t seem to fill.

Trust me, I get it sis. You’ve been rocking that ‘S’ on your chest for so long that it’s weighing you down now.
You’ve been saving others long enough, it’s time to save you now.

It’s time to put down your cape and pick up your power.

 Dropping your cape looks like...

  • Giving yourself permission to no longer have to front for people or fall into the trap of not being “good enough”

  • Giving up the desire to prove that you “have it all together” to make society happy

  • Walking away from people, places and positions that no longer serve you

  • Gaining the confidence and mindset to finally put YOU back at the top of your to-do list

  • Finally accepting help without checking back 100 times to make sure things are done “right.”

  • The peace of mind to live, move and grow the way that YOU want to without the fear of disappointing people.

  • Establishing boundaries and learning how to say ‘No’ so that you no longer have to “push through” even when you’re tired.

  • Letting go of the weight of the world (mental, physical and spiritual) that you’ve been carrying for majority of your life


You deserve a lighter load, less stress and, and the ability to live a peaceful life without limits


Overcommitted to those around you
Overextended with your daily duties
Overwhelmed with life’s juggling act

Finally having the chance to be filled the way you pour into others
Saying ‘No’ with ease + only signing up for things that serve you
Finding a balance that works for you, your family and your future.
Living a peaceful life that you never want to escape from


And that’s exactly why I created Saving Superwoman Academy, just for you.


This program is for:

  •  Super moms who feel pressured to “do it all” daily with little to no help or handouts

  • Career women who have exhausted most of their energy attempting to break glass ceilings

  • Moms who are burnt out from the weight of the responsibilities they carry and your mental health has taken a hit

  • Female Entrepreneurs determined to break generational curses, but instead you’re breaking down in the process


This program is not for:

  • Women who are totally fine with putting the needs of everyone else above their own

  • Women with a “this is just who I am” mentality with no desire to change for the better

  • Women who are content with being overextended, overcommitted and overwhelmed

  • Women who are not ready to do the work to become the best version of themselves


 Being Superwoman only leads to chronic stress, high blood pressure, burnout and a list of dead dreams.

Do you still want the role?

Yes / No / Maybe

Hear from our graduate, Debbie

When Debbie joined Saving Superwoman Academy she was feeling exhausted, frustrated and had become physically ill due to her lack of boundaries, trust issues, fear of rejection and childhood experiences. After doing the work within our program to save herself - Debbie is now standing up for herself, has become the face of her business, the change agent for her extended family, more peaceful within her household and has a new level of confidence and success that she never experienced until she took off her cape.


 Imagine how fulfilling it would be to:

  • Finally say “no” without feeling guilty about it

  • No longer compare your life to your social media feed

  • Free yourself from the anxiety and pressure of trying to “have it all together”

  • Develop the courage to take your power back and finally put yourself first

  • Communicate your needs with confidence and no longer had to be silent

  • Trust your decision making and no longer were guided by other’s expectations

  • Create a realistic balance that works for you and your family

Living a fulfilled life is absolutely possible once you shift your mind from survival mode and no longer have to force yourself to be strong.

It’s the same exact strategy that I’ve used over the past four years to help high-achieving, professional women recover from the Superwoman role so they can stop sacrificing themselves and their dreams.

Yassss! I can see you now: A woman who sets boundaries with ease, no longer seeks validation from others and is actually happy both online and offline.


Imagine saving yourself…


“Being Superwoman NEVER served me and never will. Working with Tahauya in Saving Superwoman Academy has helped me realize that the life and happiness that I desire is truly possible and everything that I need to be great is already on the inside of me. The mindset work that we covered was necessary to elevate and Tahauya made it a fun and fulfilling experience. This program has helped me shift my mind and thoughts to grow in every area of life, love and business. I learned how to choose me and no longer put the needs of others before my own. As a result, I’ve grown in business and became a better woman, mother, spouse and friend. I would recommend Tahauya to anyone who is ready to give up being Superwoman so that they can get out of their own way!”

Meet Your Coach


Hey Love,

My superpower is helping Superwoman save herself.

Yes, I’m Tahauya, former overachiever, people pleaser, trauma survivor and golden child turned Mindset Coach.

After spending 20 years trying to achieve my way out of trauma, becoming a perfectionist to make my absent father proud and wanting to take my own life due to the weight of the world on my shoulders…I realized that I no longer wanted to save others before saving myself first. 

I reached a point where I was sick of being the “token black girl” and tired of living as the go-to person for everyone around me. While battling depression, I finally realized that I could no longer use my degrees and certificates to fill the voids that I had in life OR handle everything on my own without breaking myself down.

It took me experiencing the darkest and lowest parts of my life - I made the commitment to recover from Superwoman Syndrome which meant dropping the cape and finally doing what was best for ME. 

Truth is, the women in my family and becoming a single mom led me into this role, but when  took a detour from “Superwoman Lane” and started my own journey to save myself, I became a better woman, mother to my two kids and was able to devote my time and energy to becoming my own SHEro…

after finding the courage to say goodbye to:
the “strong, independent woman” mentality and
the limiting beliefs that were holding me back from my next level and keeping me stuck in my past…

I made the best decision of my life and finally chose ME!

Over the past 4 years, I have helped hundreds of strong women retire from the Superwoman role, which has resulted in happier lives, job promotions, 6-figure businesses and accelerated growth in their mental health, physical health, faith, families, and finances.


You deserve so much more than the short end of the stick!


“Tahauya has helped me transform my mind, grow my business and find a balance that works for my family. By working with Tahauya, I made the commitment to start showing up for myself, stop doubting who I am and do the work to become the best woman, mom and wife that I can be. I now know that I am unstoppable because of my experience in Saving Superwoman Academy!”

You’re strong because you never had the choice to be weak.

It’s time to choose YOU. You’re a great choice.


An 8-week group coaching program for women who desire better boundaries, balance and beliefs so they no longer have to sacrifice themselves or their dreams to live a fulfilled life.

Here’s what you can expect in Saving Superwoman Academy

Cape Curriculum


Unlearn the unhealthy teachings and behaviors that life taught you, so you can relearn actions and habits that work best for you, your family and future. In this program you will learn the mindset strategies to help you get out of your own way and into your next level. Dropping the Superwoman cape applies to every area of your life, not just self-care.


Overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back from living a fulfilled life. Free yourself from the expectations of society, daily distractions and the need to have it all together and do it all.
Shift your mind and learn to love yourself more by making strides to become who you were created to be without needing the validation of others.


Just because you have the ability to carry everyone and everything around you, it doesn’t mean that you should. This is the refueling station where you will find the courage to take your power back to begin showing up for yourself to stand out in whatever it is that you were called to do in this lifetime.


Your life is only as good as your mindset. During this part of the framework, you’ll focus on becoming the woman on your vision board. Whatever goals and dreams that you’ve had on pause, it’s time to press play. Elevation requires separation from things that no longer serve you. Are you ready to go higher?


What’s included in the program?


Saving Superwoman Curriculum

Get access to our database of training videos and replays that you can go through at your own pace.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Live learning sessions with Tahauya where you’ll receive support, mindset strategies and a safe space to help you drop your cape. We will follow the CAPE curriculum in each session.

VOXER Walkie-Talkie Access

During the course of the program, you will be able to submit completed assignments and any program related questions for feedback and access Tahauya daily via Voxer.

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Resource Guides and Scripts

All things personal development, productivity and mindset can be found within our database that is free for you to access during your time in the program. Use the resources and tools that allow you to lighten your load and level up in life.

Safe Space Sessions

A virtual, monthly judgement-free zone where you can come to chat, hang, learn and vent.

Private Facebook Community

A safe space surrounded by a community of like-minded women who are on a journey to retire from being Superwoman just like you!

1:1 Welcome Calls + Mid-Program Check ins

We will create a custom plan of action based on the areas that you need the most assistance with and measure your progress in the program.

Guest Expert Trainers

Our guest experts are health specialists, productivity experts, financial coaches, business strategists, therapists and more. They will pour into you bi-weekly with the knowledge and wisdom that will help become a better you in every role.

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“Working with Tahauya allowed me to realize that the limitations that I was experiencing were in my mind, not in my business. Saving Superwoman Academy challenged my limiting beliefs, mindset blocks and positioned me to prosper by helping me let go of the need to be Superwoman for everyone BUT myself! After working with Tahauya in SSA, I was able to get out of my own way to become a full-time entrepreneur ONLY 1 month after graduating from Saving Superwoman Academy! Tahauya gave me the strategies and tools to finally drop my Superwoman cape to begin striving for more in every area of my life. She got me ALL the way together! I have one piece of advice -- book her now to help you get unstuck!”


What’s the price to get my power back?

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1 Payment of $1497

1 on 1 60-min Cape Call with Tahauya

Weekly Program Calls + Replays

Guest Expert Trainers

12-month access to our signature CAPE Curriculum

3-Month Voxer Walkie-Talkie Access

Saving Superwoman Training Series

Hey Girl, Heal Bundle Box

Superwoman Support System Community

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3 Payments of $597

Weekly Program Calls + Replays

8-Week Access to our Signature CAPE Curriculum

Guest Expert Trainers

Saving Superwoman Training Series

Hey Girl, Heal Journal

Superwoman Support System Community

 Sis, you don’t have to shrink or overthink anymore.

Plus, there’s no award for overworked
woman of the year.

Being Superwoman has had you sinking for far too long with the never-ending to-do lists, overstepped boundaries, stressful days, sleepless nights and way too many “what-if” thoughts about your life and success.

It’s time to laugh in society’s face and finally stand up for yourself to live the peaceful, purposeful and profitable life that YOU desire.

There’s nothing selfish about it, sis. You should always put your oxygen mask on first.

And I know you’re burnt out from being everything to everyone EXCEPT yourself.

No need to look any further…Here’s the solution!

 You deserve to be filled up the same way that you pour into others and Saving Superwoman Academy is where you will learn how to put YOU first again.

So are you finally going to show up for yourself like you do for others?

It’s time for you to retire from being Superwoman so that you can become your own hero.

‘They’ will be just fine.

In case you’re wondering...

How often do you run this program?

Saving Superwoman Academy is only offered twice a year due to the intimacy and uniqueness of this particular program. Mindset shifts and life transformations are very important to become the best version of yourself so we make sure that we are fully present with our Academy students every step of the way. Transparency and vulnerability happen more in more intimate communities, so we only offer a limited amount of spots in the program.


What is the time commitment for this program?
On average, our Academy students spend about 2-3 hours per week on personal growth exercises and weekly assignments. However, the students who received the best results committed as much time as necessary to hit their personal goals.


Who is this program best for?
Superwomen, Super Moms, Super Wives, Super Girlfriends, Super Business Owners and Super Employees who are ready to lighten their load, save themselves and show up for self the way they do for others.

Will we only focus on putting ourselves first?

Our CAPE curriculum focuses on transforming from who you were taught to becoming who you were created to be. During this program, we help position you to get your power back by providing a roadmap for you to succeed in every of life (career, family, business, goals, finances, relationships and personal). We cover Mindset, healing, boundaries, balance, communication, self-care, lifestyle, productivity, goal achievement, mental health, etc.


Is there a refund policy?
Once a session, package, program or product is scheduled and paid for in part via a deposit or in full no portion may be returned. Upon paying the deposit for a service, the client also agrees to pay the remaining balance for the service as well. Once a payment in part or in full is paid, client understands that all sales are final.


Can this program be considered therapy?

No, this program is solely mindset coaching and personal growth strategies that will allow you to overcome limiting beliefs to live a limitless life. Tahauya is a certified life coach, not a licensed therapist.

Ready to finally trust yourself enough to choose YOU?